The jab jab jab

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The WEF Wehrmacht has been intentionally lowering life expectancy for decades with drugs, obesity, etc https://yuribezmenov.substack.com/p/how-to-save-private-ryan

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Loved this one! it's not surprising that China has surpassed the US in life expectancy.

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You think it's bad and trending wrong now, wait until the full impact of the experimental clotshots is felt. All cause mortality and declines in fertility are both massively spiking y/y since 2020. https://stevekirsch.substack.com/p/doctors-in-canada-are-dying-at-a

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I really love his voice

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Well, the solution to our demographic problem is relatively simple: Increase high-skilled immigration quotas.

With "high-skilled" I mean those with at least a bachelor's degree, especially in the fields that we need more professionals (such as STEM, business, etc).

USA is still the world's top choice for immigration. We can use this to our benefit and increase immigration caps for highly skilled immigrants. That will not only give us a competitive advantage in the high skilled talent pool, but it will help with our demographic problems as well.

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You forgot one of the main culprits - the vaccine!

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In the US we spend nearly $1.9T a year on the health care cost related to poor nutrition. We spend $1.7T on food. The healthcare cost is the cost to fix bad nutrition options. The $1.9T is "Rework" for a poorly done job.

We have a strong ability to innovate in healthcare. That rate of innovation can not make up for what we eat and for what the market can not resolve. A lower life expectancy and higher healthcare cost is a failure to fix the problem on the food side. More healthcare can not fix the sinking boat.

The globe looks to the US for food and agriculture innovation. Our system generates lots of Carb Based calories. Those Carbs hurt long term health. Our system can move more to protein and micro nutrients.

There is a $1.9T annual opportunity in the US alone for innovation. By comparison, the global smart phone market is $480B. I wonder how big the Global Smart Nutrition market is?

We (iSelect), S2G, Oppenheimer, Cowen, Perkins Coie, are hosting a institutional investor conference next week on this very topic. Sept 21st. If you are an institutional investor that wants to understand this opportunity let me know to arrange an invite. https://crusoniaforum.com/2022-crusonia-forum-nyc

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I know you have talked to Peter Zihan about this and to me even though china is rising in life expectancy it is their recent one child policy while the boomers in the US had almost and equal number of kids for the "millennios" generation. This at least gives us more time...

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Access to healthcare is the cause of dropping life expectancy!

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One major wild card in this analysis is immigration. Will impact death rates and fertility rates somehow, but full effect is not known and may not be if illegals are not analyzed.

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"Make the trend your friend" 🤯🤯🤯 if investing could be put into words 😂 Thanks Pomp

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