I certainly do not wish high interest rates on anyone. But interest rates are low compared to when I bought a house. As a small business I paid as high as 25%. At that time (I think it was the late 80’s) a restaurant owner I knew was unable to get a loan to expand except by going to some special bank. Far too many Americans are way too spoiled. They need to quit spending on unnecessary stuff. Suck it up. Work hard and long hours. Pay their bills. If some foreign country overruns us, it is naive to think we didn’t whimp out and make it easy for it to take over.
Wonderful perspective! Thanks for taking the time to own this!
Trust is important
I certainly do not wish high interest rates on anyone. But interest rates are low compared to when I bought a house. As a small business I paid as high as 25%. At that time (I think it was the late 80’s) a restaurant owner I knew was unable to get a loan to expand except by going to some special bank. Far too many Americans are way too spoiled. They need to quit spending on unnecessary stuff. Suck it up. Work hard and long hours. Pay their bills. If some foreign country overruns us, it is naive to think we didn’t whimp out and make it easy for it to take over.
Are things reversible?