Refreshing to see Pomp not take a slavishly pro-Trump position for a change. I was starting to think he’d been orange pilled

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I'm not afraid to give credit when credit is due. I agree with that statement he has been sucking on those balls pretty hard

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Thanks for the update Pomp 👍

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i feel like this is hard for you becuz u are a veteran.

bitcoin was invented... to destroy america

because america... is an evil bully

america will not be saved by crypto

"This begs the question — how did we get here? How did the President of the United States get swindled into announcing a shitcoin fund?"

because the president is an idiot, and a scammer, and he does whatever jared kushner tells him to do... and jared kushner

believes that jesus was a liar and the virgin mary was a whore

and they are very pissed that somehow... "their" GOD decided the world would be full of christians and muslims who believe in "their" GOD... while simultaneously rejecting their racist religious ideology.

so they have decided to destroy our civilizations. and get us to fight each other. and borrow money from their banks. this is how the world wars happened. this is why we are in 36 trillion in debt and europe has been in debt since WWI.

this is why we spend trillions on wars that only benefit jared kushner's tribe and the small group of american atheist billionaires who are too busy trying to get richer from stealing oil or blowing up children and stealing land or getting contracts to sell weapons or rebuild a region that has just been destroyed... by their weapons

this is why the president is a guy whose political career began with lies about obama being born in kenya.

because the israelis need racist rednecks in charge in order to keep stealing land from muslims. they need racist rednecks in charge to keep getting billions of dollars from america even though we dont have fucking healthcare. (israel does... but ben shapiro insists its a dumb idea for america and will make us lazy and we will eat worse and not wear helmets when riding motorcycles)

this is why putin can do what he wants in ukraine... because ukrainians arent jews... they are goyim... and russians arent muslim... and the jews dont want the russians dead... yet.

and theres nothing better than greedy immoral atheist white racists in charge of america. printing money to fight wars and bail out whatever companies need bailing out so that the jew banks can get their interest and israel can get her bombs.

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Wow some guy! I would actually like to have a conversation with you and have you educate me!

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okay I agree Ada can suck it and xrp

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it's always something with you fucking maxi pads

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what a little bitch!

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