"This report out of the UK is arguing that the strongest computer network in the world has no value. As I said, this is a VERY dumb argument."

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Well done Anthony. I appreciate how you explained every investment is a gamble. It is very true, but people do not want to acknowledge it.

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Except in Canada where now if you mention Bitcoin people freak out on you for being anti-environmental or promoting trafficking etc, just parroting anti-crypto rhetoric.

I love Canada, but lord, they brainwash easy...

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The brainwashing is so strong. Crypto has become a poltical ideaology. Look at the states, democrats vs republicans each side trying to gain people's votes by their "views" on it. NGMI

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Yep, the government never has your best interests at heart. Especially here in the UK.

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And the US does …lol

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Holy crap, as we say in NJ! This is an excellent post, and I am still laughing my a** off! Thank you so much for making my morning truly glorious! I am going to restack and repost this everywhere. Love it! Have a great day, Anthony!

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What currency these days isn't fiat or faith based? Money is a meme that we humans give value. Going with the gambling theme - fiat like USD is house money. BTC and ETH aren't. Governments only want us playing with house money, so they say things like this when they’re scared. They don't want us making up our money meme. Right?

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