The huge advantage of Bitcoin is that its system protects you from the arbitrariness of humans and their penchant for corruption. With Bitcoin, the rules of the game are known in advance and written into the source code.

No one can arbitrarily choose to change the rules of the game for his or her own benefit by imposing them on the majority.

This is a fundamental difference from the current system. What Bitcoin offers is the thing that more and more people will want to have access to in the future. Because with Bitcoin, you get the freedom to live your life on your own terms.

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I agree with Pomp

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Pomp is an unreasonable charlatan shill at best and a nefarious dubious criminal at worst.

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come on pomp... don't be a maxi. Bitcoin IS NOT a bank by any means. The Dollar is not a bank. The Yuan is not a bank. The Euro is not a bank. They are currencies for better or worse. A bank provides service for currency holders. The central bank (which I am not a fan of) is supposed to increase and decrease money supply in counter-cyclical ways to maintain economic stability just like you would lean left or right riding a bike for balance. We want stability, but to your point, the central bank, and our entire market is corrupt and we need to build a better system.

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