Entitlements are absolutely a problem & the only ones defending entitlements are the slaves to said entitlements. They own you & you sold your soul & our country for your selfishness & laziness.

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Paul Ryan “The obvious answer is to deal with the root causes of the problem. Entitlement programs are driving the debt and require reform, but politicians can’t find the courage to do what needs to be done.” WhatI say; “If we eliminate the Social Security tax limit (currently around $168K) it (Social Security ) is solvent in perpetuity. Medicare For All would save $450 billion in health care costs and 68,000 lives per year.OUTLAW war, and hold people accountable who start wars.”

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> OUTLAW war

Lol. You can't outlaw war since the only way to enforce that law would be with a war itself.

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Ryan has a financial interest in this as he has in anything he has ushered forward while in (& out) of Congress. The dude is a grifter & lots of useful idiots who think in terms of single issues are devouring his BS & begging for more. This country will be ruined by the narcissistic morons that populate it.

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I guess hope springs eternal is still alive when it comes to trusting the slime in DC to be people’s representatives. A feel good article- if only we all pull together………No solutions in DC, only more restrictions and problems

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Come on.... tired of this myth that entitlement programs are detroying the country. That is what rich people say to steal from us. Insanity

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Compared to the entitlement programs, the "war machine" is a rounding error.

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Interesting thought experiment, but ultimately just mental masturbation/gibberish. Stablecoin purchases of US debt are small, and likely cannibalizing existing buyers rather than some new source of undiscovered buyers.

And even an AI productivity miracle could never have GDP outpacing debt growth. We’re at more than 10% (about $1T every 100 days). Mature economies don’t grow at 10% GDP. Even the Chinese ‘miracle’ for several decades was 6-7%.

Politicians will do everything they can to dance around the only actual viable solution- cutting spending.

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And if this is just a Trojan horse to get more crypto integration into the legacy financial system, then good for Ryan. It’ll be the first intelligent and productive thought he’s had in 20 years.

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Amen to that. He was, still is- worthless.

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Government is 40% too big and too much warmongering are the financial problems,not entitlements. Social Security should be means tested and contribution cap removed.

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The same people try to LIE to us that the $1,200 was the entire source of inflation but that's not what MATH says.

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