Would be interesting to hear your thoughts on the difference between investing in a Bitcoin ETF vs buying Bitcoin on coinbase or some other platform.
Also if someone is thinking about buying Bitcoin through an ETF in addition to looking at the fee what else should they consider for the best place for long-term holding?
I think the thought of BC to most people was more entrancing than its actual day to day use. Now that its on the path to legitimacy, it will find its market value through normal market forces. What will that value be? Only the market knows....
it was at 48 for like 3 seconds and had been going up pretty steady. i mean sure its down 20% kinda
all just feel alarmist. like let the people sell and the people who want to buy will begin to outnumber the initial sales
i think you'll see small local govt who dabbled in btc start being able to pay down their town debt
and then we figure out how to outgrow our debt. interesting to see what shakes out
Thank you!
Would be interesting to hear your thoughts on the difference between investing in a Bitcoin ETF vs buying Bitcoin on coinbase or some other platform.
Also if someone is thinking about buying Bitcoin through an ETF in addition to looking at the fee what else should they consider for the best place for long-term holding?
I think the thought of BC to most people was more entrancing than its actual day to day use. Now that its on the path to legitimacy, it will find its market value through normal market forces. What will that value be? Only the market knows....