Same! 52 books was the goal and I exceeded it and read almost 100... It’s a great anecdote to all addictions because reading improves “working memory,” and poor working memory literally causes addiction.

I’m convinced that intentional “mega-reading” (like one book per week, or an hour per day) helps everything from social media addiction to alcoholism. Worked for me.

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Hi Anthony,

Would you share the whole list of books you read in 2022. Thank you.

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Digital addiction - yes! I'm with you here.

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Gotta have at least a small digital addiction to receive your knowledge daily through the newsletter. Thanks again Pomp. 🤙🏼

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I have had all 3 of my adult and teen boys read them both (with some financial incentives) I wanted to thank you many things I tried to instill in there mannerisms and some I forgot but will read every couple years to ensure the next generation don’t forget why we should always carry ourselves proudly again I thank you for the suggestions we do this to make humanity better and my young men will be better prepared then I was when I became a man

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Thanks I believe I got recommended, The Magic of Thinking Big or The Psychology of Money from one of the BANKLESS podcasts you where on

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Mastery of Knowledge > 💎

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