As much as it was a pleasure to see Trump show up and give a "speech," it was, sadly, still just a bunch of truncated drivel, with no articulate context or ability to (at least pretend he) understood what he was actually talking about, when it comes to Bitcoin.

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Clearly, Trump’s speech was written by someone else, as are all his policy-oriented speeches - which he could never deliver extemporaneously. Also, his position on anything is determined by the audience he’s speaking to, and/or the donors who are buying his new position. If you want to give him credit for something, celebrate him for being the most successful fraud the financial community has seen since Bernie Madoff.

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🤔comparisons with Bernie? But not ‘Weekend at Bernie’s’ which is a nice change from the recent mental patient.

No treasonous double acts with his son involving China & Ukraine deals to sell out his country to enrich his family either.

The efforts the democrats have put into imprisoning their political opponent(AKA communist activity) all the while gaslighting the country how Trumps the “threat to democracy”🤣, and the fact that Trump’s not in jail might suggest my 2 examples/comparisons are closer to the truth, and not simply a product of a mental disorder called Trump Derangement Syndrome, than yours.

Because when speaking to an audience it’s always best to tell them shit they don’t want to hear… and fail to string a coherent sentence together… and cackle like a fkn hyena 50 times… American politics 101

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