Rents will not only be at all time highs but the number of Rentals will continue to increase. Larry Fink is a major player in the 15 minute cities and he will continue (through shell corps) to gobble up the single family homes...This is all part of the WEF master plan...Once they control all of the Housing (Bill Gates buying up farmland) the food will be next...and throw in Healthcare and you have the Billionaire class running things...This is all in process but what they have not accounted for is the illegals forming their own Ruling Class...That my friend is when the real civil war breaks out.

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You guys if this is your problems ..You can move to the Philippines to experience low rentals. Nor you build house here in a low cost. And the good thing is that you will become rich. Your DC present administration is putting your country endangered and horrible and not anymore a great country.

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Thanks for this super informative survey. Everyone can put this info into practice.

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Anthony left NYC for Florida because, in his words, "NYC didn't treat him right." What did he expect? Free rent? For years, Anthony railed against the woke left, proclaiming crime and taxes are so expensive in blue cities, that people were leaving in droves for the sunny shores of Florida. My question is, if Florida were so great, why did he leave and come back to NYC? Heat? Humidity? Mosquitoes? Sink Holes? Property Taxes? Insurance? DeSantis is a REAL MAN (in heels), anti-woke, fighting for strong white heterosexual conservative men... grrrr. Then stay there, Anthony. You said it yourself, DeSantis valorizes the "free market." Now that Anthony is back in NYC, he blames the high cost of rent on rent stabilized apartments. Predatory landlords? It's the free market. Slum lords? It's the free market. He loosely manipulates data and graphs to prove his point. Never does Anthony mention predatory price fixing by RealPage. Fire Lina Kahn. Let the billionaire oligarchs control our elections, our food, our housing, and you. We've got endless money for corporate subsidies, bank bailouts, and war. This is free market capitalism.

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Thank you for sending me this letter I read always...

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