would love to get you connected to the DEVteam soon releasing the decentralized chat RIALTO on the blockchain RING (RNG), greetz Dave ;-)


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This new technology is opening up fascinating opportunities.

Last year I teamed up with random people on the internet to think about how to create a decentralized voting application. We wrote White Paper for the Wyoming Hackathon voting challenge and now we are getting strong support from people I have only seen in news :D

Currently, we are filling out the paperwork to create a non-profit company.


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Decentralized websites, mobile apps, social networks

and a decentralized workforce too...


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I see the investment problem here. You cannot monetize the distributed social media as a creator. Otherwise it would be centralised. The monetisation will come from early adoption by some kind of adopted token

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Apollo Fintech have launched a social media platform called Stratus. Look for Stratus via Google search - Stratus.co or download at Google Play or Apple. Their claim, no censorship, free speech and will not sell your data like big tech. This could be what everyone is looking for.

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Agreed that decentralization is going to take a front stage. I believe these efforts though will need to be "skunk" works bc the powers that be wield so much power that it will not be allowed to be funded if large tech and finance companies get wind of it.

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I dig what you’re talking about. My social media site is called lyfeblood.com. It is a platform to exercise a decentralized way of economics and to disseminate the way information is shared, learned and applied. Reach out when you can so I can gove you the full scope of the platform. You can see me on Twitter: @lyfeblood

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