about 15000 addresses hold more than 50% of all bitcoins! a bit alarming?

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Thank you for your feedback,for more information on how to be successful ,WH'AT'S'AP'P ME 十


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The bitcoin network's achievement of processing 1 billion transactions is a monumental milestone, showcasing its robustness and scalability over time. Also, holding just one full bitcoin puts you in the top 2% of all bitcoin holders, highlighting the scarcity and value proposition of this digital asset.

We are all still early and there are more opportunities than we can imagine from explains more to investing more.

Have a great week ahead!

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Thank you for your feedback,for more information on how to be successful ,WH'AT'S'AP'P ME 十


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I don't have the same interpretation as:

> if you hold at least one full bitcoin, then you are in the top 2% of all bitcoin holders

I'd been looking at https://bitinfocharts.com/top-100-richest-bitcoin-addresses.html too.

Isn't it the case that most Bitcoin holders don't have all of their Bitcoin in one address?

So really, the stat is just what it says:

1.59% of _addresses_ have a balance of 1-10 BTC.

I bet many of those addresses are just a portion of the owners' over BTC holdings.

It would be cool to get a _real_ stat of how much BTC would you need to own in order to have (across _all_ of your addresses) a top X% amount.

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Thank you for your feedback,for more information on how to be successful ,WH'AT'S'AP'P ME 十


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