the best letter ive heard yet, thx pomp

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It's always a good chuckle when I hear (or read in this case) someone bring up BTC's power consumption. Compared to what, I ask in reply? Compare like things. How much energy does the current financial system use, worldwide, on a daily basis? I'm not just talking about electricity to run banks, ATMs, the Fed, printing, minting, storing, and transporting. But the energy it took to build all of that infrastructure and now keep it going. The energy it takes for every employee and customer to get to and from that infrastructure to do what? Hold their money?

We could walk away from this entire system. Start pricing items in crypto. Not just BTC, but other cryptos as well. It's time we stop having a relationship with our banks and start having a relationship directly with our money.

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Crypto is not a nice to have, it’s a must have. Governments will continue to grow more authoritarian. The big trend of the decade will be privacy technology.

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While I disagree with some of the goals of the trucker rebellion in Ottawa, I agree with the notion that "authoritarian chaos" has reared its ugly head and Bitcoin is the true winner.

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It's also important to remind holders to move your coins to cold storage off the centralized exchanges. As soon as government decides to, they will order these CEXs to block wallets in their custody.

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Powerful article, thank you. Power grabs by leftist tyrants seems to be happening.

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This post is great. Just translated the article into Chinese at https://blog.myrual.me/posts/bitcoin_is_the_freedom_technology_the_western_world_needs/

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Great Post!

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“Without the freedom to transact, you have no freedom” this is true. But if the governments of the world can come together and lock us down in our homes force us to get needles wear masks , I wonder what can they do to crypto or BTC if they come together and decide to kill it ??

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we must keep the context that power rules in silence. it is by acting in small ways that power keeps people sleeping. when they take extreme measures as has happened in canada, they wake the sleeping giant. if the powers that be keep attempting these moves, they will see their power toppled by a citizenry that sees them for who they are.

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I wonder how much Bitcoin would helped in this trucking protests fund raising ? If all donations were taken in BTC? We could donate in BTC but the problem is it still need to be sold for CAD to get things done cause regular businesses still want CAD. UNTIL TRANSACTIONS CAN START WITH BTC AND FINISH WITH BTC , we can just hope.

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It's as if Bitcoin's price works for and against it: mostly because it's a headline hook. But for those who stop and listen, Bitcoin and indeed crypto more broadly, becomes an intoxicant, a book you can't put down. I've heard numerous stories from people around the world, like people fleeing the Afghan debacle with nothing but their crypto, and it seems clear that while North Americans have been slower to grasp crypto's significance, others from more obscure corners of the globe have long understood crypto's real value. HODL

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Trudeau. Small misspelling error, great article.

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dhh can change his mind which is pretty powerful.

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Bitcoin is so important for our freedom going forward...people need to watch out for CBDC's though as they'll be the controlling cryptocurrency banks produce that track everything we buy

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"Come for the profits, but stay for the revolution." - Great quote.

My parents did not escape tyranny for us to deal with it all over again: https://yuribezmenov.substack.com/p/how-to-live-the-dream

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