“It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it.” Upton Sinclair

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A great letter of insight as always, Anthony.

But while Dimon is incredibly accomplished and brilliant, I find him to be non trustworthy.

It has been obvious over the years (especially during and since the financial crisis) by his actions and false statements that he is only concerned with himself and the shareholders. He is very content to keep those without means exactly in place.

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Agreed. Won't trust Dimon until he shows two solid years of commitment to the most decentralized, permission less, uncensored, open source protocol / network the world has ever seen.

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"Bitcoin Is About To Claim Victory" - famous last words, Pomp. Don't underestimate the threat Bitcoin poses to the current financial system and nation state. It's a head fake... there is a long and difficult road ahead.

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Seems like smooth sailing to the digital gold (neutered vision/ number go up). The peer to peer cash vision seems hard to envision in our lifetime.

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.."one of the MVPs of the Bitcoin hating team" 🤣

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