What's funny is that there's always a reason for the market to crash. If it's at all time highs the market is too overvalued and a crash is "right around the corner." If the market is pulling back 5% everyone starts talking about the Dot Com Bubble and 2008. People love to bet against the market as it just continues up and to the right over time. It's very odd.

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I recently started investing in 2021. At first I really struggled with volatility, and would bail out. Now I realize the most risky behavior is not being market because the market eventually goes up. Just have to ride the wave.

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Elon Musk is a Trillionaire. Donald Trump is a Billionaire .Biden and Kamala are allowing MILLIONS of illegal migrants crossing the border and wasting MILLIONS of dollar to feed and anything their future voters for them to win. . Would these illegal people coming from different countries are bringing money to USA for investment purposes ? How can they be able to contribute the good economy of America for which you may think would be creating millions out of the business. Could it be one of them is in Bitcoin .What do you think the cause of inflation and for these illegal people coming everyday if they can help any business become stable and to be fair to you guys living in your great country like before for so many years ago ?

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Totally agree.

Would love to hear your thoughts on the following:

Looking forward many years - Given the high concentration in the SNP 500, how should investors think about exiting the stock market when they approach taking redemptions?

One thing I learned while working at a big mutual fund – the winners dollar cost averaged-in, but the BIG winners dollar cost averaged out over a long time period when they took redemptions.

Do we keep this same principle looking forward? Or should investors be thinking about another approach due to the concentration in the SNP?

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